Branding login pages in Office 365

Why do custom branding of 365 Login?

Now that we are mostly remote, or at least ‘hybrid’, we all have colleagues who may be logging into their email, Teams or SharePoint Online via a non-company computer. Branding and customising your login pages in Office 365 is a quick and easy way to make it look like it belongs to your company, and not a standard issue Microsoft page. Not to mention your external users. You always want to make sure you look professional when working with partners and customers, and give people the peace of mind that they’re the right place.

So, let’s own that page and make it yours!

Before we get started.... The image and text options

Login Page Sample

On the sign in page, there are four key elements:
1. First image you need is the background image. This needs to be a JPG or PNG 1920px x 1080px and 300KB or smaller. This image will be anchored to the centre of the browser.

2. Then you have the banner logo. This is 280 x 60pm and 10KB or smaller and will be shown throughout Office 365. You are on your way to beautifying and branding login pages in Office 365!

3. The username hint text, which is in case a user forgets their username. It must be less than 63 characters and cannot include links or code.

4. Lastly, the sign-in page text provides guidance in case someone is having trouble logging in (those cases where they are putting in the right user name and password and still can’t log in).

If you want, this section can include links and basic formatting, but must use the following:
○ New line: use the enter key twice
○ Hyperlink: [text](link)
○ Bold: **text** or __text__
○ Italics: *text* or _text_
○ Underline: ++text++
More information on the text options can be found here

There are also some advanced settings:
1. The Sign-in background colour is used in place of your background images in the cases where the user has a low-bandwidth connection.

2. There are two square logo options:
a. Square logo image &

b. square logo image dark-theme

These are used during the set up process for new Windows 10 devices. Generally, the square logo image will be used, however the dark theme image will be used on devices which have ‘dark theme’ selected in the device’s display settings.

3. You can also set whether users have the ability to stay signed-in or if they should log in each time.

How to brand your pages

You will need to have a global administrator account to make changes to branding login pages in Office 365.

1. Sign into the Azure AD Portal ( You may need to go through a process to register your authentication method.

2. For advanced features on the Azure landing page, select Manage Azure directory (middle tile)

3. In the left side navigation, locate company branding (it should be towards the bottom of the manage section)
Select configure.

Branding Config Page

5. Complete the form and click Save to apply the changes to your environment

The quickest way to test is to open a private browsing session in your preferred browser and open the link to SharePoint.

Branding login pages in Office 365 is that simple. But it’s essential. You’ll be building confidence in your brand and promoting a professional workplace in just a few clicks.


You will need to have a global administrator account to create beautiful branding login pages in Office 365.

1. Sign into the Azure AD Portal ( You may need to go through a process to register your authentication method.

2. For advanced features on the Azure landing page, select Manage Azure directory (middle tile)

3. In the left side navigation, locate company branding (it should be towards the bottom of the manage section)
Select configure.

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