Change happens. Mergers and acquisitions represent bigger market share and a more diverse customer base. While tenant to tenant migration can be a challenge, one of the best outcomes you can hope for of mergers and acquisitions is smooth team collaboration with newly pooled resources. A merger done well broadens and deepens your skill set across all teams. It promotes growth and productivity gains, some which are unexpected and pleasantly surprising.
Sounds ideal. But of course, there are many technological considerations to take into account. Your new acquisition may use a different productivity suite. It may host with a different provider. But you may not be aware that even if you both use and host with Microsoft, combining your tenancies will require careful planning and execution. And it is an essential task required to maintain business continuity, keep staff productive, and secure critical data.
The challenge lies in how to maintain and boost employee engagement while making major system changes to their daily technology and productivity apps. And you may be wondering where to start. Particularly when there is a lack of guidance or documentation on merging technology, which is the case with Microsoft 365 tenant-to-tenant migrations.
You also have the opportunity to create positive impacts over this time of change in data security. Where there is a streamlining of business processes and technology across organisations, there is the added potential of achieving improved security. You will be in the best place to deploy well planned, best practice security processes that are fit for purpose, robust, and scalable.
This is where we can help. At Propelle, we are skilled in change management, particularly in Microsoft 365. Our team can plan and deliver agile projects to support the underlying tech that supports your people doing what they do best. Our experience with market leader SEEK, showcases a complex, remote Microsoft 365 tenant migration project – delivered on time, with minimal disruption. SEEK was able to realise the benefit of a single global platform within days of consolidation, with productivity increased almost immediately.